Friday, February 26, 2010

little feet

We rarely see him crawl anymore. His hair is coming in nicely - still too short to be curly. We can never seem to top him off. Just an insatiable appetite for any food we pesent to him, though he does prefer gravy and sauces.

We continue to meet amazing people, thanks to 'the colossal detour of our lives'. So many stories of struggle and perseverance out there, even when things don't turn out as you hope. I continue to be humbled by such strength and bravery.

The quest for Kaleb's care while we work has begun. We don't want to be in a bind once things get rolling and anticipated a long process in finding someone. We've tried a few places to see if we could find a good fit for us and them. It's difficult to think of letting him go even for a couple of days a week when the feeling of just getting him back, all to ourselves, is still so fresh. We're really getting spoiled, being with him through each precious discovery and development. I flop back and forth on whether or not we're (I'm) ready.