Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Winter Preps

We're finally home. Kaleb, as before, loves the change in scenery. We had to drop his crib mattress, little monkey child. Of course, put him down on the area rug and watch him go! Reminds me of some kind of wind-up toy.

Feels good to pick away at little to-dos around the house as a team. I'm always wanting to tweak our dog fencing and I've got all the windows plastic-ked. Feels warmer in here already. We've finally found someone to hang our tricky storm door and toughen up the weather-stripping. No more North Wind in this house! I think we'll do much better with our energy bill this year, not to mention having a sounder home for Kaleb.

Some of the first activities Kaleb did once home were...

Laps around the area rug

Went for a horse ride

Watched his favourite dvd

Monday, November 2, 2009

Still Waiting...

We're looking at a possible discharge tomorrow, Tuesday. My frustration is constantly overshadowing the truth, here. Kaleb isn't bouncing back as fast. The chemo was stronger this time and he had to battle a vaccine, additionally. Not ideal. For him, physically or for us, emotionally.

Did you know that you can completely dissolve a 400 page novel in the washing machine? It's true. I'm particularly regretting that moment of inattention... I was only on chapter 10. And of course, I don't go for the trendy best seller that's on every shelf. I scrounge the discount bin for the rare over-looked gem. Arhg. Maybe I'll hit the library...