Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Words are too pale by far...

I’m going to try to be intelligent and articulate, here. I’m having a pretty blue one, which happens to both of us occasionally, though thankfully, separately. We’re each getting good at carrying the other through until we can cope again. I know once things do get going, I’ll be terrified of the pace, but being stalled is excruciating to a ridiculous type-A, such as myself. They’re now talking about surgery for the IV lines on Thursday. I can’t even begin to take my brain near the idea of something coming out of his little chest... we don’t start true chemo until the lines are in, of course.

I logged on to scads of donation receipts today. Those and the notes keeping us up to date on mind-blowing local efforts on our behalf just render us utterly speechless. We are so fortunate to have friends and family such as you all. Most of you are going through your own personal hells with life trials and here you are. All your written and physical support is blowing us right out of the water. We have to prepare ourselves with Kleenex and held hands to even open our email these days. You’re all so amazing. While we’ll never hope to reciprocate appropriately to all of you, please know that we will double & triple our efforts to pay it forward just as soon as we can.


  1. There comes a time, my dear, when you just have to let it come to you. I am sure that I speak for all of your supportive friends and family when I say that it is our priveledge to be your grounding during this incredibly tough time. As the saying goes, it is times like these when you know who is truly there for you, and as you open yourself to this experience, those who love you will find themselves being a larger part of this journey, and the support will grow exponentially. I think of you all the time, and love you my friend,

  2. I know the love you have inside your heart. This I have seen first hand. Your family will somehow survive this battle. Your strength, courage and love for your little boy will pull you through.....I beleive in you. I am here for you as always - prayers and thoughts I send to you daily.

  3. Just letting you know your little man went out on a national prayer chain today that spreads all across the U.S!!! He has A LOT of people pulling for him and strength beyond words for you both!


  4. Dawg and Patrick- this is exactly what good friends are for! It means a lot more to us having met and loving both of you- now the little guy, too! You are part of US, our little family. The love you show for others just comes back to you hundredfold. We can't be there 24/7 to sit with you and help you through this journey, so we sit at home, keep track of this wonderful blog, and are at least able to help in some small way with our donations. The biggest help Kaleb can receive is our love and prayers, The money is there to help you through the rough spots, but that pales in comparison to what we have to give through our hearts- LOVE!! Janelle said it very well, I can only parrot what she has said. Please know there are so many out here who are right there in spirit with the 3 of you. With all of this love, how can anything fail? Please feed off from that- it will get you through this! Our strength is your strength. I can't thank you enough for keeping us up to speed every day. It certainly helps. So many of us get up first thing to check the blog. That is even before coffee! Our world now revolves around helping you get through this with Kaleb. we love all of you!

  5. Thank YOU for taking the time to keep this blog updated for us. We care and want to know. Like KK I check the blog first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed and say prayers many times through the day.
    Love Ya,

  6. Hailie
    I know that I am not the only only one who has, more than once, been in receipt of your courageous and compassionate generousity.

    It is a precious privilege to give whatever we can, whenever you need it, no strings of reciprocation attached.

    Today when we woke up the girls I and I and Mike all checked the blog, and Ava said a prayer for "cousin Kaleb" full of rainbows.

    Valentina, she's the strong silent type, but she smiles widely every time she sees Kaleb's beautiful face in all its' pixellated glory. I know that she is praying in her own, very powerful way. Perhaps she smiles because she knows how strong her cousin is.

    As always,

    only love light and good thoughts to you


  7. I was directed to your blog from a miniature site that i belong too. Im a work right now and trying not to cry too much. I wanted to say how sorry I am that this is happing to your family and give your my heartfelt support. My family will be praying for Yours! I also wanted to let you know some of my story As it's a postive outcome and some other people have found it helpfull to hear something good for a change. My son did not have cancer but at 20 weeks pregnet we were told that he had Hypolastic Left Heart Syndrum. We were not given a good outcome, I dont remember them giving percents because this is still being studied. The main thing with my son is that his left side did not develop, we had alot of people praying for us.The other things we were told was that if he did survive that he might only live to be 10 possibly 20 and then need a heart transplant. Well he has defied all the odds. He is 2 1/2 and has had 3 heart bypass surgeries. Is doing amazing and defied all the odds. One thing that helped me get through this was to put my trust in the Lord. I let him take the load and lead us. I have not been a church going person for many many years, so this was a big strech for me. I feel like im rambling, but I hope this helps to know that things do happen for good even when your told they wont. If there is anything I can do to help just email me. citronlime@hotmail.com

    Jennifer O

  8. I also forgot to add that my son's name is Christopher Caleb.

    Jennifer O

  9. Hailie, a little bit about the IV that will be placed tomorrow. Hopefully I can relieve some of the anxiety. It's called a PICC line and it is really a godsend for little ones undergoing cancer treatment. It is a flexible catheter inserted into a vein in his arm just above the elbow, and is threaded up the vein returning towards the heart, stopping just before it in a large vessel where the chemo will mix with a larger blood volume. Once it is placed it will not only be used to administer the chemo without burning out a smaller vein, it is also the access point for the RN to get all blood samples...Kaleb will not be stuck w/ any further needles every time they want a blood sample. So much better than only 15 years ago (before the PICC)when the kids had to fear a needle every morning. I am glad the wait is over and now we start on the plan. Sleep better.
    love Auntie Barb

  10. Dear Hailie, Patrick, and little Kaleb,
    I want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers as you travel down this hellish road. I have been so upset since I heard about Kaleb -- you all constantly in my thoughts. On SUnday I am competing in my first triathlon and when it gets tough I will think of precious, little Strong Man Kaleb and push myself even harder just for him. Thank you for sharing your journey through the blog. I too, check it first thing in the morning. Please know we are part of your team that is there for you.

    Janice and Spencer Sumner
