Thursday, September 17, 2009

We're Packed.

Feels good to get started on another round. Maybe it's cause I just watched the Wolverine movie... I am SO ready to kick some serious @$$!

I'm enjoying the difference from our last move into Ground Zero. I'm packing leaner, smarter... gotta still bring the TP from home - that budget hospital stuff exfoliates the parts like nothin' should. Yikes.

We're a little leery of which room we'll end up in. There are definitely rooms we would prefer over others. Seems like such a trivial issue, when held up next to why we're there, but environment really affects you when you spend your entire day staring at the same walls. Sharing a room is NO cup of tea, especially when the people on the other side of the curtain have a totally different schedule than you do... Finally get the kid to sleep and their's is up, your kid is so exhausted he sleeps through the screaming but you certainly can't. Share a TV and listen to SOAPS all day... GAHG. Also, double rooms have no bathroom... march your heineken down the hall, slippers toothbrush 'n all. Woot.

Yet more shots of the Man...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Picture Time

Gearing Up for Another Round.

We spent the morning in the hospital today, getting tests and scans done. Great news, all around. His kidney and scapula lumps are almost completely gone, as are some bone discrepancies in his skull. The bone of his shoulder is on its way to healing and his blood counts continue to climb. Tomorrow he goes under for a marrow test and chemo injection, then home for a day before being admitted on Friday.

We’re really enjoying this stage of his development. He doesn’t seem to be suffering any set-backs due to treatment, which is great. If anything, the large soft crib will be where he learns to crawl. He’s so close and so frustrated by his own lack of progress. It’s quite funny to see. He's also often ready for a good wrastle, which is loads of fun. We roll around with him on the ground or in a bed and he just eats it up. Oh, and speaking of eating, the veracious little monster doesn't stop! He's up to two solid meals a day and what seems like endless bottles. We're definitely going to be on three meals a day right away and I can't WAIT to start our garden veggies with him! I've also got a list of cancer-busting veggies we're going to chow on. ...well, he is. Mommy is still a big veggie-phobe. Shhhh.

On a personal note, I’m finding a bittersweet development to all this. I haven’t had so much time for my own pursuits since I was single. While I cannot commit to a regular schedule that allows me to work with clients, I do manage to find several odd pockets of time to ride my horse (even if it’s just round ‘n round the arena while baby sleeps) and go to the gym, which is something I’ve been longing to return to for years. I would love to let loose the joy at having these hobbies returned to me, but there's an immoveable lid sealed on top of my enjoyment. I feel productive and able to fix something, finally... but I can't let go of the circumstances that bring me to this door.

The membership was something I struggled with getting. I have a difficult time justifying the cost in lean times, but the alternative honestly was a therapist, and potentially meds. I’m a person whose mental health really suffers without physical activity. A few of you will understand the weight of this chemical activity. Lack of work combined with extensive days sitting in the hospital room made me a quite batty the last round. This time, I plan on hitting the gym in the evenings, after my day shifts with Kaleb. Our little local facility is very reasonably priced, open 24 hours, has fantastic equipment and membership can be cancelled any time, if I find it isn’t working out. It took me no time at all to remember my days with a trainer and to whip up a plan again. I’m so excited it’s all I can do not to go every night!