Kaleb on his 2 year old Gotland Pony, Scout.
They got a ribbon for 1st place in 'Lead Line' at our local show last weekend!
More on the entire day to be found at http://www.mynorsehorse.blogspot.com/
He's really growing up fast, now. Very independant and proud of his accomplishments, he uses words like "actually" and "apparently" - lol! Part of me is sad to see the baby growing out of him, and part of me is relieved and excited. It was so nice to sit and chat with a friend this evening while he rode his bike around the yard. The reasoning and democratic negotiations are still raging too far out of control for my daily sanity and I'm quite relieved to partake of part-time day care. He loves the rowdy house full of delightful children and learns and grows even faster with their encouragement and excitement. He can open and close all the car doors "all by myself".
Tomorrow, we hit a friend's pond for some swimming and beach time, provided she hasn't popped with number two... I have yet to check a text that came in a short while ago... Fabulous Days...