"They" talk about development landmarks, in particular chemical short-circuiting in the brain during growth spurts during the 2-4 year mark, as well as the 13-14 year mark. I can say for certain that we've witnessed such evidence in our own son. A completely happy and reasonable, well-mannered child will instantaneously dissolve into a thrashing puddle of dramatic emotion over absolutley nothing... we cannot mark any trigger or pattern. There's no reasoning until the storm passes, just as abruptly releasing our child as it overtakes him. Fortunately, we seem to be leaving this stage behind us more and more.
Mom scored as well as Son. A cute new hat, a Zumba certificate to my favourite instructor, and a Kobo! Totally unexcpected and totally addictive. Hence my absence from the internet... oops.

Looking forward to getting back into a normal schedule. Work is humming along and I'm getting back on the horse (finally!). Kaleb continues to adore and thrive in his daycare situation and the hubby is nicely occupied by his own work schedule. Still lots of play... it's ice fishing season and mild weather just begs for more hoofprints in the snow.
Life is good and the journey is sweetly lazy.