Thursday, August 13, 2009

I've got to bring the camera to the hospital. He continues to be a wooing little clown there.

We had an exam with the ophthalmologist yesterday. The droopy eye has been determined to have no connection to his other issues and the look of it will lesson as his structure grows larger. Most children learn to control the twitching that occurs during eating/drinking. That is all hopeful news and nothing that really surprised us.


  1. As always, we're thinking of you as we go about our day. . .
    if words are all you have, if they are the only thing, then, Hailie, they are everything. There is no quota for gratitude. . . and no limit on hope.

    Good thoughts and things

  2. I would like to point out that I misspelt my own name! How's that for having a moment ;)

  3. Always thinking of you all. Team Emms. A rope is stronger the more strands are added. Keep the faith,

    Love Team Bittner

  4. Thinking of you and your family today, Hailie. I have put out the word to friends and family alike to join in wishing y'all the best.

  5. I wonder if you know how far reaching your story has gone. your gift at writing feels like we are "hearing" you and all that your day entails.. what a happy looking little one..Hope and Peace for all the days ahead. from a friend of Judy's
