Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 3 and He Bounces Back a Tad

Kaleb had much more energy yesterday. Still, he'd go hard for 20 mins and crash like nothing I've ever seen. On the plus side, I can see his development still evolving. He's moved from startled by noises to wanting to raise the roof with his own version of music! Yikes!

The chemo is having the effect doctors expected, so we know we're on the right track. We were quite excited to see his shoulder lump had decreased in size by almost 1/4, but soon realised this is not exactly super natural healing, lol. We're hugely relieved that the leukemia is responding, as the alternative would be impossible to process.

It's funny, I thought Patrick and I would be brawling for the opportunity to sleep at home and it turns out that we just may be dukin' it out for the shift away during the day! Even on sketchy hospital sleep, we each get so much done during the day! And you wouldn't believe how being productive in even normal things makes you feel so good when the flip side is sitting useless, bedside while your little baby does all the work by himself. But a few consecutive nights does wear one down and soon enough we have to switch. We've got a good system going.


  1. My heart is cheering this morning, Hailie! To log on to this blog daily (ok multiple times a day) is so powerful.
    Reading your words is like following the trail of your footprints on this trek. . . I feel these entries bear witness to the roller coaster of emotions and actions that you are living and breathing day by day.
    And these past days, I hear the warrior in you and it makes my eyes fill with tears of joy that only another mother could evoke.
    The three of you are like that first stubborn ripple of a stone cast in the water, you will make waves of change for people beyond your own wildest dreams.
    We are all loving and fighting with you, my girl!

  2. Great news you go cowboy!!!!!!!!!

    I am thrilled to hear all is going as expected and also worry bout you and patrick getting your rest but sounds like the team is working it all out.

  3. Hailie I am following your blog and sending out positive energy for your little man!

    Kathleen is 9 months and thinks bubbles are the best way to voice any opinion, be warned they soon learn that bubbles and food can get a dynamite reaction!
