All a boy wants to do on his day is ride a good pony.

The Party Masterpiece.

Mmmmm..... Caaaaaake.....

I don't know. Maybe you should get it.

The official day, Wednesday was nice and low-key. Breakfast with the great-grandparents, dinner with the grandparents and Uncle Charlie. Lots of great presents - toys, toys and toys. We had to roll over the bin, collecting some good out-grown stuff for an up & coming "cousin".
The big party was on Saturday. Lots of cousins to play with, lots of good chaos. It was interesting to note that the big man kept checking to see if one or both of his parents was in the group, and to watch him naturally gravitate toward us from time to time. We've never had him in a larger group of kids and people before. He did quite well and REALLY enjoyed eating with everyone (of course)!
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