Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Done!

I know that's what my mastermind sister-in-law, Steph is finally saying today. I can just picutre her propped up on the sofa, with her feet elevated and a cold cloth on her head while her two little ones buzz around her... Except I know the reality to be exactly the opposite. That woman has already motored on to her next project. You're just insane, girl! And we're beyond lucky to be part of your circle.

The Teulon Social was a raging success. We are so grateful to everyone who hustled to pull it off, everyone who donated their time and skills (such as the sound crew and bartenders who volunteered their services, not to mention all the people doing everything from filling plates of munchies to ticket sales to you-name-it), and certainly we're thankful to everyone who attended! There were over 40 prizes donated by very generous friends, family and strangers-come-friends. Really, it's all impossible to wrap our heads around!

It's just amazing how something like this illuminates who really is by your side... People I never would have guessed, people who do more than I could ever keep track of, and people I didn't even know knew anything of us. The word of an ill child really does spread further than I could have ever comprehended. I know I will be working hard to effect a balance for years to come.

On a fun little side-note, my grandmother sent my mother and I a spa-package!! It was spectacular to escape reality for a few hours, not to mention being buffed and pummelled into oblivion!

We've been fortunate to have a full 14 days off between treatments this time. What a DIFFERENCE it makes! We've finally been able to completely let go of our tension and truly enjoy our time together, even to the point of enjoying some time apart - lol! I continue to take solace in simple normalcy like grocery shoppping and cleaning the fridge out. Funny how such prior nuisances can hammer one more hefty peg into the constantly billowing parachute that is my inner turmoil. I have this fervent urge to nail down every square inch of that damned slippery fabric.

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