Monday, August 24, 2009

Some LONG-Overdue Thanks!

We've been reading and receiving so much from you all, just letting it roll over us in healing waves.

We've gained enough footing on this new adventure(*snort*) to make some call-outs, here.

To my cousin-in-law, Ashleigh - Sweetheart, with all that you're going through, your eloquent, supportive writting on here is a massive buoy for us. I always squirm with delight when I see that you've posted. We think of you and the girls often - always have. Oh, and you too, Mike. *wink* Hugs and kisses to all of you!!

ALL of your comments posted here bring us a wonderful form of connection to those who are so willing to reach out to us. We're always reading and re-reading them. During a time when location and circumstance distances us from friends and family, this really means a lot to us.

To those of you sharing your own courageous stories... thank you so much. Reliving old battles can certainly be difficult and your missions to give us strength and hope are accomplished!

To those of you who have and whose families have contributed to the financial support of Kaleb's care, thank you very much. The response on this front has been SO overwhelming. We've got enough to take care of a few month's bills, thanks to our banker's fancy fin-eggelling of our mortgage payments (she got them stalled for 4 months!). There's some reserve money left over from my personal maternity fund that we have yet to go through, and then we will glady lean on what you've all given us. We really appreciate the opportunity to postpone aquiring some chunky debt. The upside is that, living at the hospital doesn't leave much time for shopping!

To those of you offering your moral support with hospital visits, thank you! Hospitals certainly aren't the most fantastic places to be, personal schedules are always hectic and we really do appreciate the break in monotony. It's so nice to talk about something not including medical jargon and somber faces once in a while! The hope is that Kaleb can remain strong enough to receive the occasional visitor.

To those of you who've been inspired to donate some parts of yourselves to 'the cause', either with your blood, cord blood, or anything else, thank you so much. Every gesture helps and when I think of all the resources that go into helping Kaleb through this, I am ashamed of my prior lack of activity in these pursuits. I am determined to amp up my efforts at fundraisers and blood donations, myself, once this challenge is over.

To the local ladies with their fundraising efforts... HOLY SMOKES! These events are no small tasks to take on and organise. That you all are so tirelessly buzzing away on these projects in itself means so much to us. Whatever you do accomplish will be incredible successes!

To all of you adding us to your prayers, your community prayers and your healing good wishes and energies, thank you SO much! I had NO idea how far this would reach and how many people would so graciously open themselves up to us. When I think of how much support is reverberating from people's mouths, from their minds... it touches me like nothing else. There is such a force behind that.

And of course, there's my parents. They've been phenomenal not only in patiently waiting until we were ready for them to take up a piece of the load, but they were eager to do so the second we called, even riding to the rescue when my truck broke down. I'm sure they've seen quite enough of us this week! The tentative plan is for them to graciously sacrifice some precious sleep once a week so that we can have some time at home together. I can't communicate how special this is to us. We've found that nothing recharges our batteries like getting away from that sterile, "icky" environment together.

I know I'm missing some very deserving people at this first round, so please bear with my exhausted mind. Really, thank you everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Hailie, Patrick and Kaleb,
    Our friends,family and community came through to support our family after we lost our home to fire 6 years ago. We were amazed that people we didn't even know and some that we didn't think even LIKED us were so generous with their help and support. While our situation is nothing compared to yours we have learned, when someone is the beneficiary of this kindness it pleases us to be able to "pay it forward". The chance to do that is a blessing to us. I know that when Teamemms comes through this your life will be changed in many ways and you will be happy to return the kindness shown to you by helping others.
    Paying it forward can be as simple as supporting local blood drives in our own communities. One unit of blood can help several people. It is important. Someone's child, spouse or parent benefits from a bit of our time and a bit of our blood that we can replace.
