Another Date Night last night! (and I still managed to post some photos - you guys have PULL!) Patrick pulled out the stops, bbqing some awesome steaks and garden veggies from our poor, neglected plot. We dined by candlelight and I even had 2, count 'em... 2 bouquets!! Do I have The two best men or what?
They gave Kaleb some plateletes yesterday. He responded well, gaining a significant increase in the good stuff and sustaining no adverse reactions. They continue to watch all his counts every day.
And he continues to be a delightful Monster Child. Hosed EVERYTHING down 4 minutes after grandma & grandpa handed the day shift over to me, including his freshly bathed self, his mother, his bedding and his first of four sleepers of the day. Fantastic.
As I watch the sun's splendor fade into a black night, I am impressed that I can once again feel our good future sharing that horizon. It was devasting to be cut off from that part of my daily endorphine tap... so baren to not be able to look ahead, as though I was blind to the road in front of us. I'm so relieved to have answers and projections and something to base our probables on. It often feels like life could be spectacular again and I'm excited to reach the end of this challange.
Last night I looked up the name Kaleb. It has a Hebrew origin and means dog,tenacious,heart. I think it interesting that a dog lover such as your self would have a son named Kaleb. However, I find it more interesting that the words tenacious and heart are also linked to the name, for that is exactly what Kaleb is putting forth. A TENACIOUS HEART.
ReplyDeleteSending lots of love, light and reiki
I just want to say thatnk you to the grandparental units for supplying our dear friends to well-deserved date-nights. These evenings can sure recharge the batteries.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that so far so good on the fever front, it sounds like he is doing really well.
Hailie and Patrick, your strength has been a real inspirational to me. When I think of ANY daily challenge lately, it pales to your daily battle and I am, once again, humbled by your optimism and bright outlook. TeamEmms ROCKS!!