Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cowboy Kaleb has, on this 16th day of September, entered the ranks of Trail Riding Hardies. Our little champion trucked along on his little pony for a whopping 1.5 hours at our local Bird’s Hill Park. The weather was fabulous, the company even better (neighbours & friends), and the pace deliciously relaxed. Once the two horses I was handling figured out their rhythm, I could kick back and enjoy the day.

A summer full of horsey fun, and our boy is ready for the change of seasons. “Apparently”, when leaves fall it means Fall is here, which is “Fabulous” and “Hilarious”. Hang around him for any small amount of time, and Kaleb will likely ask you “So... How’s it going?” and proceed to tell you some whopping story about aliens or mountains or some other such nonsense that occurred “yesterday”. Just on the trail ride today, he commented that our two horses were a pair of “bickering buttheads”. Oops. Mouth, Mommy!

We just love his independence and self-sufficiency at this age. He understands things like napping in the cab of the truck at the horse show, responds to the phrase “adult words”, and safely entertains himself playing outside for hours while we whittle away at yard work. His energy and inquisitiveness can wear a person down Right Quick and I’ve lost how many times I’ve asked him to just please close his mouth. His hugs and kisses are still plentiful and as precious as ever. The smell of a stinky little boy who’s spent his entire day getting into all things Child is my current fragrance of choice. I cannot imagine life getting any sweeter than this.

Anyhow, enough chatter... on with the show:

An Old Pro

Our Entourage

Winning 1st Place in Lead Line
(just like every other toddler in the class *wink*)

Chillin at the show, Cowboy Style

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