Exhibit B (Hmm... the first moment things might have gone awry.):
Puzzles, tricks and problem solving really attract our little adult. His self expression knocks us into fits of laughter daily. During a 4 a.m. potty break, Dad asked him what he was dreaming about that night. His response: "Oh, not too much."
Potty training is 99.9% there, with more dry diapers greeting the mornings than not. He enjoys cleaning up as much as he enjoys trashing the place. I LOVE the stray hotwheels car tucked into the door jam, the errant peanut butter smear on my shirt, and the cracker crumbs in (Dad's side) of the sheets.
He's incredibly bossy for one with such limited scope on the workings of life, though he vehemently denies it. He knows which route we take to drive home from daycare and woe be the driver who strays. Oh, and you'd better blow on your hot food before you take a bite, not to mention sit in your assigned spot!
He loves whispering wet secrets into your ear and smashing juicy kisses onto your face. Make a fishy move, though and he'll nail you to the wall with the sharpest stink eye you've ever been slain with.
He is entirely our son.
And finally, some nice enough weather lately to play outside with his favourite buddies!
Essentially, not much has changed since 12:03 March 10, 2011. Oh, right... except for the raging demon that lay silently waiting within our precious child for that precise moment to launch itself full-force into every disagreement (...when did this become a democracy?), every hairy eyeball and every 5 minute tantrum. We have reached new heights with our efforts to maintain our line... I feel like a monstrous bully most of the time. Having a teammate on the same page gives me the reassurance that we're only pushing back as hard as he pushes us and that it is for his best interest. For the most part, he's still a polite and happy little dude. It's just that when his strong little opinion does differ from ours, the LID IS OFF.
I think I can hang in there... except, well damn, my knuckles are already white. What's it been... 2 DAYS?!
A BIG Thank You to Carol, Judy, Joelle, Irene, Steph, the Whiteside Family and everyone else, for your tireless efforts on our behalves!