Sunday, January 17, 2010

Double Post Day


His first stop...

His second...

Showin' off...


  1. OH MY I checked were not home check again and You did get home that is so wonderful does this mean Kaleb is done with the series of treatments? I am thrilled for you


  2. Finally seeing light at the end of the tunnel has to be frightening and exhilarating! We all knew the day would come when this precious baby would be going home for good. Now its time to get back to your busy life, and back to "normal", whatever that is! We are so proud of all that you have gone through and come out for the better. Our love and best wishes for everything from here on out to be nothing but wonderful for your little family! You have more than paid your dues- now to get on with it! Love and big hugs. Doc and KK.

  3. We are so happy for your family! What a journey it has been. We can only imagine from a distance what this crucially painful and scary time has been like.
    Our hearts are with you as you live a new life filled with excitement, new things, and most importantly, health! I'm sure this experience has taught all of you a lot about yourselves, human nature and life in general.
    Enjoy your son, and the peace that you very much deserve.
    Josh Amy Rowan and Jude
