I mean, "ball & cock assembly"?? Such typically male self-facination. Come ON. I SO mastered that junk. What does that make me... hmmmm. Invincible? This is my second tank re-build in history. Feel pretty solid on my skills. The hubby may adamantly NOT be a plumber, but maybe I should hang a shingle. And for those of you who went there... for shame!
I drive home from my shift at sunset every day, now. I think everyone would agree that fall is the most fabulous season for a rider of any machine, animate or otherwise. I long ago lost count of how many spectacular displays I've had the privilege to view from horseback. Every time I thought I'd witnessed the best one, another blew the boundaries of my mind and trumped all. There's something closer about being out on the bald prairie when it happens. The still damp air sourrounds you and you can't keep from breathing it into your lungs. Better to embrace it, and when you do it mysteriously fills you with the earth's essance and pulls you into the incredible light show. You feel a part of buzzing, lazy insects - not the kind that bother you, as those are left behind with summer. The tired vegetation seems to sway in response to your pulse as you pass. Your horse's warmth saturates every part of your body that rests close to him. There's nothing quite like fall riding. I always sensed, in those frequent lucky excursions, that life would not forever be so simple. I always tried to tattoo the scents, sounds and sights into my memories, even how my bones felt. I willed every fibre of myself to remember. Those stolen moments sustain me now.
Now, the real show:
Bumbo? ...This Bumbo?

Shmumbo! Who needs it? I'm a big boy now!

Let me out, let me out!!

My new wheels, compliments of 'Tante Dee! Now I'm stylin'!

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