Monday, August 31, 2009

Good News!

We're through the holding-your-breath stage, post first chemo treatment. His counts all bottomed out and are one the rise! He never did suffer any high temperatures this time. If he continues at this rate, we might be able to bring him home this weekend!! That would mean that we can enjoy two weeks at home with him!

They haven't had any leukemia cases like his in the hospital, so his treatment plan is based on the other kids' situations. They all have affected bone marrow and are very sick. Very few of them ever even sustain lumps. Kaleb's lumps are really responding well to the chemo and with healthier marrow and not being sick, he's handling the treatment better than they could have ever guessed he would. I'm constantly squashing these little bursts of hope that, as we go along, they will revise his treatment plan and decide we don't need to pull the full five rounds. But the realist in me is prepared to run the full course, even if we get to shave a week off the time line, here or there.


  1. That is great news. I sure hope he can come home this weekend. He is a strong and determined little guy. I guess that comes from both his parents. Love and kisses all around.

    love MOM

  2. Fantastic news! I am so happy he didn't have to suffer the fevers and that he is doing so well. Such a strong little man!


  3. Hailie,
    We are so thankful to God for answered prayer! Kaleb sounds like he is doing so much better! What an awesome birthday present for have Kaleb come home this weekend! Just think, next year he won't be just looking at that chocolate cake, he'll be insisting on his turn at blowing out those candles!

    A big kiss to Kaleb, and tell him for me what a SUPER job he has done this go 'round. Such determination and still the sweetest smiles through it all.
    love Auntie Barb

  4. As always, Hailie, as I go about the morning's nap and sleep and drive mom crazy routine, you and your wee warrior are at the topmost place in my heart and mind. It is impossible not to feel the unseen electricity that connects all mothers, especially one as powerful as you!

    We are thrilled to hear that Kaleb is proving himself the fierce adversary we know he is and always will be.

    You are entitled to any sort of reaction you feel you can handle: cautious optimism or otherwise!

    I on the other hand, am going do a full bore un-choreographed and very uncoordinated happy dance!

    He is a miracle, and it is my deepest sense that his story will be the light that guides many others out of the tunnel of illness and into the treasured world that lies beyond.

    Cue the music and make some room!


  5. "There are only two ways to live your life:
    One is as though nothing is a miracle.
    The other is as though everything is a miracle."

    Albert Einstein

  6. KK and Tillie are thrilled at the great news just know we are checking in on you guys.

    love KK Tillie & Ranger

  7. Haven't been online in the past week, but my first stop was to visit this site. :)

    Sending warm thoughts your way Hailie, Patrick and Kaleb.

    Jen, Shawn, Paisley

  8. Hailie, Patrick and Kaleb,
    Sounds like Kaleb is a real fighter..wonder who he got that from?
    Give him a big hug and many kisses from Mac and Elinore, we've been hoping and praying like crazy people, to hear some good news for all of you! Such a smiley little fella, I know he got that from you Hailie!
    Love and lots of positive thoughts coming your way......
